Is your website powerful enough to drive clients into your jewelry store?
Let me back up for a moment and ask three easy questions.
Question #1. Every jeweler’s name ranks well when you type it into Google, but what about your product lines.
- If you typed in the name of one of your product lines, would your store name come up on the first page?
- Can you imagine how much more business you would have if it did? 85% of people click on of the first three results for their search.
Question #2. Do you have a website that is updated / maximized for advanced traffic driving SEO on a regular basis?
- Please don’t tell us you haven’t updated your website in the past two years.
Question #3. Do you have a 2.0 website that is seamlessly integrated into your social marketing strategy?
If you answered “NO” to the first question, please stop reading this article, click on the “Contact Us” button and send us an email because your business risks being categorized with bell bottom jeans, leisure suits, and 8-track music.
Seriously though, contact us right now.
The amount of business that you are walking away from is staggering.
If you answered “NO” to the second question, please stop reading this article, click on the “Contact Us” button, and send us an email because your business risks being categorized with the Yellow Pages, dial up Internet access, and music on cassettes.
All joking aside, your are losing a significant amount of business.
Much more than you could imagine.
If you answered “NO” to the third question, you can finish the rest of the article but know this to be true.
There is no longer any debate on the significant power of social marketing to change your business once it is properly integrated into your website.
No debate, the facts are as plain as day.
Update with the elite companies now or risk being categorized as black and white TV in two years.
Technology and how we interact with our clients is evolving steadily.
The website strategies we took as gospel two years ago are dismissed readily today.
Independent jewelry stores are notorious for being slow to adopt the latest technology.
That is where Four Grainer steps in.
For starters, we provide the most advanced website platforms so that additional functionality can be seamlessly integrated.
As the latest relevant technology emerges, rest assured, we will ensure that it is built into your site’s platform.
Today’s cutting edge websites
are much more than a static
Yellow Page advertisement.
They are a portal in which your client, anytime of the day or night, can step in and have the same experience as they would in visiting your brick and mortar store.
Usability, design, and download speed are key components.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital in conjunction with relevant, thought provoking content that drives clients to your store.
Each step along the way, we are there to give you the level of support that you need.
“Web site design is easy. All you do is stare at a blank computer screen until droplets of blood form on your forehead.” Quote by famed website designer, Marti Neumier
Start Getting Results From Your Online Marketing Today!

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“Jeweler’s Summit Advantage” Series