The top jewelry companies in the United States take it as an article of faith that a strategic plan is a necessity for systematic long-term growth, not a luxury.
They have gone light years beyond even asking the question, “Do we need a strategic plan?”
This vital planning takes time, energy, and a determined effort to coordinate the actions of your team for future success.
Done well, it provides a concentrated focus that energizes, motivates and mobilizes the entire organization toward specific mission goals.
In short,
A strategic plan is
a valuable guide to focus time,
talent, and resources to achieve
measurable long-term success.
While strategic planning provides a valuable road map to your store’s long-term success, the truth of the matter is that most store owners are working at full capacity today.
Every day your calendar is filled with tasks and projects, not to mention being swamped with e-mails, voice mails, vendors dropping in, and urgent phone calls.
While delegation helps, many store owners have little time for reflection and strategic thinking.
Reactive problem solving (putting out fires) consumes your time and attention, while strategic planning takes a back burner or in most cases doesn’t make the to-do list.
This is where
Four Grainer
steps in.
Four Grainer provides the unbiased analysis of your jewelry store’s internal strengths and weaknesses that provide the foundation of the planning process.
We analyze your unique market environment for S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) potential while keeping a close eye on the looming P.E.S.T. (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) changes that are always taking place in the complex world that we live in today.
Our first step in the process
involves sitting down and
listening to you.
In an age that embraces video conferencing, Skype, email, and texting, we believe that something as important as the future course of your store deserves nothing less.
We have to know you, your business, your hopes and dreams for the business, as well as, your long range exit strategy.
Listening to you is a recurring theme for us because only after we fully understand where you want your business to go, can we begin to develop the road map that will get you there.
In addition to strategic planning, we can develop a whole array of planning documents such as:
– Mission Statements.
– Short / Long Range Financial Planning.
– Vision Statements.
– Value Statements.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you are certain to end up somewhere else.” Quote by Yogi Berra, baseball legend
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