Does your search engine optimization (SEO) need more horsepower?
We often get inquiries from jewelry store owners who already have a website and want it to perform better on search engine result pages (SERP).
They want their site to be listed at the top when they search on their favorite web browser.
You have to consider that search engine optimization (SEO) is not one single thing, it’s the sum result of lots of influencing factors.
The most trusted SEO
companies in the industry
will tell you that they are
aiming at a moving target
that is constantly changing.
The algorithms that Google and others use are closely guarded secrets and organic – they change regularly.
The goal of Google and the other search engines is for the web to deliver an experience that is relevant, current, accurate, and fast.
To this end, they are constantly tweaking and experimenting with the “magic formula” for SEO rankings.
The financial stakes
are high in the
world of the web.
Consider that over 85% of the people searching on the web will click on one of the first three items on the result page.
If you are not one of the top three entries your odds of even getting a client to land on your website drop off dramatically.
This is where Four Grainer steps in.
Those of us involved with SEO work on a daily basis see the changes and react with them to keep our clients ranked higher in the results pages.
It requires constant diligence to determine what the latest wrinkle is about the algorithms and how best to utilize it for our advantage.
Once the search engines know where your website is, either by submitting your URL to them or by following a link from another website the search engine companies have sophisticated software that scans your website’s content.
These bits of software are often called “search engine spiders” or “search engine crawlers”.
Here is where keyword research and planning come into play.
Do you have a pre-determined strategy for your site’s initial traffic and eventually moving into highly competitive keywords?
Have you mapped out how
your social marketing will
be used with your website
to create a powerful presence?
Well, it doesn’t end there.
The web site platform and the code that displays the content must be optimized for search engines as well.
Web pages are programmed in a language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
This is basically a series of tags used to format how the text and images are displayed on the page.
We evaluate the quality of your page titles and meta tags.
Header tags (h1, h2, h3) have to direct the search engines properly as well.
Consider an h1 to be your heading at the top of the page, and then the sub headings underneath (h2, h3) followed by the relevant content.
We make sure that the important keywords we have identified for each page are used in these header tags.
Still moving on.
We optimize your images used on the website to ensure they have their alternative attributes set.
Again, this is a good practice for search engines and vital for W3C SAP78 compliance, as well as, being within the Disability Discrimination Law.
The number of quality links from other websites to your website is one of the single most important things influencing your position on the search engines.
It is not simply a case of getting as many links to your site as possible.
We consider the topic of the website that is linking to you, the text used in the link, the page rank, where the page links to on your site, and how many links are already on the page that links to you.
Have we mentioned that
through it all, relevant,
engaging content is king?
Content is, and always was, king.
At the end of the day, content is what brings clients to your website.
Yes, there are many factors involved with page and site rankings, but well written, engaging content is what the web is all about.
To that end, we are here to get you listed as high as possible even if you want us to write the articles for you.
In fact, that is what we do at our content creation division known as “Jeweler’s Pen“.
Contact us today so we can map out your content strategy.
“Search engine optimization does not specialize in tasks that will make pigs soar high up in the sky. Its real task is to dig deeper into the genetics of a website and reengineer the essential elements until it transforms into an eagle”. Quote by Bruce Clay
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