Readability is vital to content marketing for jewelers and is one of the more important aspects of web design usability.
We define readability as “the ease of understanding or comprehension due to the style of writing.”
In Fact, Readability Is So Important It Is One Of The 200+ Ranking Signals Of Google For Your Articles And Website.
On the Internet, and especially on mobile devices, you have only a short time to get your jewelry store’s message across.
Attention spans are getting shorter, and often clients are simply skimming the article which makes readability even more important.
Jeweler’s Pen Provides Compelling Content That Engages Your Jewelry Client In An Easy To Consume Format
Today, the newspaper with the largest circulation in the world is written at the 9th-grade level, the two magazines with the largest circulation in the world are written at the 9th-grade level. Why?
The Average American Adult Reads Around The 8th Or 9th Grade Level.
Most U.S. best-selling novels are written at the 7th-grade level, and the over 2000 romance novels sold annually for $1.63 billion are written at the 5th-grade level.
We Provide Optimized Content For Our Elite Jewelers
At Jeweler’s Pen, we measure the ease of understanding our content before the first client ever reads it.
We run our content through five of the most respected formulas /indexes being used today by the U.S. Department of Defense, and many U.S. Government Agencies to make sure that it is easily comprehended and understood by your jewelry clients.
Our goal is a concise, engaging content that is easy to consume by adults.
Remember the easy reading style of Reader’s Digest? That’s our goal.
Formulas / Indexes Jeweler’s Pen Uses To Ensure Readability
1. The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula.
This reading formula was developed by Rudolph Flesch who was an author, writing consultant, and a strong supporter of the Plain English Movement.
This formula is one of the oldest and most accurate formulas.
It has become a standard readability formula for many U.S. Government Agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense. The mathematical formula produces a composite score.
- 90 – 100 Very easy to read
- 80 – 89 Easy to read
- 70 -79 Fairly easy
- 60 – 69 Standard
- 50 – 59 Fairly difficult
- 30 – 49 Difficult
- 0 – 29 Very confusing
To put this formula into perspective consider these publications:
Reader’s Digest magazines’ readability index is about 65, which is the middle of the “Standard” range.
An average 6th-grade student’s (a 13-year-old) written assignment has a readability test of 60–70 (and a reading grade level of 6–7).
Time magazine scores about 52 which falls in the “Fairly Difficult” range.
Harvard Law Review has a general readability score in the low 30s which is in the “Difficult” range.
Jeweler’s Pen articles have an average readability score of 68 which is in the “Standard” range.
2. The Coleman-Liau Readability Formula / Index.
The Coleman-Liau is a readability assessment test designed by linguists Meri Coleman and T.L. Liau.
They created the formula as one of the many ways to help the U.S. Office of Education calibrate the readability of all text books for the public school system.
The Index approximates a U.S. grade level to understand the text.
Jeweler’s Pen articles have an average Coleman-Liau readability of 8.3 which equals an eighth-grade reading level.
3. The Gunning’s Fog Index Readability Formula.
The Gunning Fog Index Readability Formula, or simply called Fog Index, was designed by Robert Gunning who was an American textbook publisher.
Gunning observed that most high school graduates were unable to read. Much of this reading problem was attributed to a writing problem.
Robert’s opinion was that newspapers and business documents were full of “fog” and unnecessary complexity.
Jeweler’s Pen articles have an average Gunning Fog Index of 8.5 which equals an eighth-grade reading level.
4. The SMOG Grade.
The SMOG grade is a measure of readability that estimates the years of education needed to understand a piece of writing.
SMOG is the acronym derived from “Simple Measure of Gobbledygook.”
The formula for calculating the SMOG grade was developed by G. Harry McLaughlin and published in 1969.
To make calculating a text’s readability as simple as possible an approximate formula was also given — count the words of three or more syllables in three 10-sentence samples, estimate the count’s square root (from the nearest perfect square), and add 3.
Jeweler’s Pen articles have an average SMOG grade of 8.2 which equals an eighth-grade reading level.
5. The Automated Readability Index (ARI)
The ARI is a readability test designed to assess the understandably of a text.
The formula outputs a number which approximates the grade level needed to comprehend the text.
For example, if the ARI outputs the number 10, this equates to a tenth-grade high school student, ages 15 – 16 years old.
Jeweler’s Pen articles have an average ARI Index of 7.6 which equals a seventh-grade reading level.
Jeweler’s Pen Knows That Readability Is Vital To Content Marketing For Jewelers.
Bottom Line For You
Your jewelry websites attract a diverse audience. The content has to be able to speak to each visitor in a way that they can easily understand.
As you can see, this isn’t easy, but it is essential for your success.
Our goal is to create fresh, daily content for your jewelry audience that is clear and simple to understand.
Achieving that goal means both highly skilled readers and much less skilled readers can enjoy it equally.
The clearer you can present it, the more likely it will succeed.
Four Grainer delivers digital marketing that stands out, breaks through the clutter, and shows your jewelry brand as the authority on jewelry today.
Why You Need Four Grainer For Your Digital Marketing.
- We Listen To You. Even with decades in the jewelry trade, we understand every jewelry brand has a unique story to tell. We listen, ask questions and listen some more, until we truly understand your message.
- “Turn Key” Program. We develop the strategy, tactics, timing, and implementation of your digital marketing plan. As the plan gathers momentum, we carefully analyze the analytical data and make the necessary adjustments to keep your marketing plan on track.
- Exclusive To The Jewelry Trade. Four Grainer only accepts digital marketing projects from those in the jewelry trade. We know how to profitably grow jewelry stores because we have done it for years.
- Considerable “Real World” Experience. Every member of the Four Grainer team has spent years in the jewelry trade. We have authored over 145 articles, various publications, podcasts, and training manuals for jewelers. We encourage you to visit our Article Archives and our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Archives of Episodes.
“Jeweler’s Pen Advantage” Series