Mobile content writing is a new, emerging discipline that creates optimized written material for mobile devices and tablets.
Jewelers should make no mistake, your old content written for newspapers, magazines, and desktop screens doesn’t have nearly the impact on a smartphone if it can be read at all.
Today You Need Content That Is Developed From The Ground Up For Consumption On Smartphone Screens.
Every article we write and every newsletter we send out is optimized for easy viewing on smartphones.
In fact, our entire business can be read, managed, and operated on a smartphone!
Jeweler’s Pen creates content that takes advantage of the latest in behavioral science, technology, and emerging social media trends.
We Understand Mobile Users
- We understand that for many of your jewelry clients, their smartphone is the center of their lifestyle.
- A connection to friends, family, and coworkers.
- Portable photo album for nostalgic photos and a folder of important texts and emails.
- The first source for news in their area and across the globe.
For many of your jewelry clients, their phone is the first thing they see when they wake up and the last thing they see when they go to bed.
Their smartphone is by their side 24/7, and it’s their connection to the world.
We Understand The Needs Of Mobile Users And Optimize Your Content For Them.
According to an extensive report from Cisco’s Visual Networking Index, “Global traffic on mobile devices will increase 18-fold by 2016.”
Every piece of content that we create is built from the ground up to make a powerful impact on mobile devices.
The creation process from writing style to font selection has to be mapped out long before the first word is typed.
We keep it simple, organized and easy to read.
Our Mobile Content Strategy
- We start with a mobile responsive platform. Your Four Grainer Digital Magazine is built on a WordPress foundation with a specially developed Genesis mobile responsive theme.
- The mobile responsive design is all about automatically delivering your audience the content they want, within the context that they’re viewing it.
- Separate mobile phone platform. We take the mobile responsive aspect of your Four Grainer Digital Magazine to a whole new level.
- We provide a totally separate browser for smartphones which is lighter, leaner and loads much faster than your desktop applications.
- Your content can be read quickly, and easily on the smaller phone screens.
- Written for how we consume content today. Today content has to be quick and clear so that users get the point right away, but with just enough mystery and intrigue to encourage them to continue reading.
- Sharing the content with others is easy with our built-in share buttons.
- Our motto is: “Make it quick. Make it smart. Make it retweetable!”
- Developed for short attention spans. Multitasking and mobile go hand-in-hand.
- We understand your jewelry clients already have short attention spans that shorten to minuscule levels on mobile devices.
- For that reason, we keep our articles between 500 to 600 words which take two to three minutes to read.
- We make use of additional white space to draw your eyes down the article quickly.
- We engage, inform, entertain and get them to the next article quickly.
- Written for your target audience. Our professional American writers provide content exclusively for the jewelry trade.
- We have done the demographic research to tailor the content for your “sweet spot” jewelry audience.
- Mobile Fonts. Clean, clear, concise fonts are vital for today’s mobile devices.
- We only use fonts that were developed for maximum clarity and legibility for smaller smartphone screens.
- Search Engine Optimization matters. Mobile content still needs to be optimized for search.
- Recent studies show that over 30% of mobile searches are local, and over 60% of users called the business after searching for it on their smartphone.
- Since the screen on a mobile device is smaller than a desktop, being at the top of the rankings is even more important if you want to be noticed.
Four Grainer delivers digital marketing that stands out, breaks through the clutter, and shows your jewelry brand as the authority on jewelry today.
Why You Need Four Grainer For Your Digital Marketing.
- We Listen To You. Even with decades in the jewelry trade, we understand every jewelry brand has a unique story to tell. We listen, ask questions and listen some more, until we truly understand your message.
- “Turn Key” Program. We develop the strategy, tactics, timing, and implementation of your digital marketing plan. As the plan gathers momentum, we carefully analyze the analytical data and make the necessary adjustments to keep your marketing plan on track.
- Exclusive To The Jewelry Trade. Four Grainer only accepts digital marketing projects from those in the jewelry trade. We know how to profitably grow jewelry stores because we have done it for years.
- Considerable “Real World” Experience. Every member of the Four Grainer team has spent years in the jewelry trade. We have authored over 145 articles, various publications, podcasts, and training manuals for jewelers. We encourage you to visit our Article Archives and our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Archives of Episodes.
“Jeweler’s Pen Advantage” Series