Congratulations on your upcoming episode of the show!
Now you might be wondering what you can do to prep for your episode of “Inside the Jewelry Trade”?
Good question and one that everyone asks themselves at one point or another.
Not to worry, first off,
You Are Going To Be Great!
The show is designed to put you, your business, and expertise in the best possible light.
With that being said, we have put together our “Top 10 Tips” to give you even more confidence.
Top 10 Tips – Being Your Best On The Show
1. Be yourself. Yes, that is easier said than done, however, just keep in mind that the format of the show is set up to give you a chance to shine. The audience wants to know more about you as a person, not just what they have read in carefully scripted press releases or advertisements.
2. Clear your schedule. Most shows are 30 minutes in length with 20 minutes set aside for the interview portion. When you factor in “do-overs” on questions, a couple of minutes of warm-up conversations with the host or producer, it is best to block out 40 minutes.
3. Limit distractions. Since most interviews are conducted over the telephone or Skype, be sure to have a block of time set aside without distractions. (i.e. upcoming conference call, still driving through rush hour traffic, important meeting scheduled next, or trying to finish your breakfast)
4. Express passion. Sure, you’re on the radio, but listeners will hear it if you stand, move your hands, and smile—so get a telephone headset and gesture away. Try to match or slightly exceed the host’s energy level to avoid sounding flat. Many guests put a premium on the quality of their information but not nearly enough on their delivery of it. Great information is vital but isn’t sufficient on its own.
5. Make the connection. Speak to the host like you’re talking to a friend or spouse. If you exude confidence and comfort with the host, the listener will feel confident and comfortable with you. Be friendly, be cordial, and act like you’re just chatting with your best friend. It’s okay to have a few notes on what you want to cover and glance down occasionally to remember your key points but try not to lose your connection.
6. Get your technology ready. If you are using Skype for the first time then be sure to take a little extra time to get comfortable with how to operate it. For cell phone-based interviews make sure your cell phone is fully charged and that you have full bars/best reception.
7. Get some rest. If you were up late entertaining clients at the Las Vegas jewelry show, then perhaps an early morning interview would not be wise. When you are tired the audience can hear it in your voice, your thought process, and energy level. Another great tip is to have some water available.
8. Relax, we have “do overs”. Everyone gets a little nervous, sometimes we say things we wish we had back, and yes, occasionally we use language that we wouldn’t use in church, we are simply human after all. Relax, that is why we edit interviews and have “do overs”. Essentially if you have said something that you just would like to have back we can edit it out or simply ask you the question again. We hope that we can go through an interview and never have to edit because it sounds more natural, but things happen.
9. Pre-interview is vital. Professional entertainers can walk into a radio station and do a “cold interview” without a pre-interview. For the other 99.9% of us, a pre-interview is important to have an interview sound relaxed and engaging. Typically it is a telephone call several days before the scheduled interview where we get a chance to know each other a little better. We talk about which points/topics are important to you, how you will be introduced, upcoming events, success stories, etc. This is also a great time to cover any scheduling or technical questions that you might have.
10. We are on your side. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to come on the show. The format of the episode is set up to be relaxed, informal, and a chance for you to have fun on the radio. We respect you, your time and your reputation in the industry. You know the primary questions we are going to ask during the pre-interview and have approved them before the show. Granted during the natural conversation there will be follow up questions and clarifying questions, but certainly nothing out of “left field”. This is your 20 minutes of fame and we are going to do all that we can to make it a great experience.
“Inside the Jewelry Trade” Series