Diane Robinson is co-host of the popular television show "Gem Hunt" which aired on the Travel Channel network. She spends some time with us talking about her exciting new rough to runway collection called "Huntress" line of jewelry and handbags. - CLICK ON PHOTO FOR SHOW NOTES - Diane uses her skills as an international…
Legendary jewelry designer Todd Reed drops by the Show to share his insights into jewelry design, the future of his brand, and the jewelry industry as a whole. Todd is the winner of two straight "Best of Show" awards at the American Gem Trade Association annual Spectrum Awards. - CLICK ON PHOTO FOR SHOW NOTES…
Pamela Froman is the 2015 Women's Jewelry Association "Excellence in Design" award winner. We get the chance to talk to this multiple design award winner about the award, being an American based jewelry designer, and the future of the jewelry trade. - CLICK ON PHOTO FOR SHOW NOTES - Besides the "WJO" award, Pamela has won…