Make no mistake about it, social media is powered by great content.
Since few jewelers have the time to produce their own content, it quickly comes down to finding exceptional content to re-post on their Facebook, Google+, or Twitter accounts.
Since we are a content-driven digital media marketing firm for jewelers, we are often asked, “Where can we quickly find great content?”
The first place to start is with one of the social media aggregators.
Aggregators are powerful search engines that scourer the Web to find keywords and content.
We know it sounds like a really techy word, but don’t worry because these are super simple to use.
The good news is that we are going to reveal some of our easiest, favorite secret places to find great content that won’t take a big bite out of your day to find it.
The even better news is that it won’t cost you an arm or a leg.
Secret Places To Find Great Content For Jewelers
Topsy is a real-time search engine for socially shared posts and content on Twitter and Google+.
The beauty of Topsy is the fact that it is free, no sign up required, and very easy to use.
All you need to do is type in a word or phrase that you want to search on and it will give you the top results.
The service ranks results using a proprietary social influence algorithm that measures social media authors on how much others support what they saying.
This the easiest site we know of to search for great content.
BizSugar is actually a social site for small businesses and mid-sized companies, but the search feature in the upper right corner will pull in great content on any searchable word or phrase.
As with Topsy, the content is ranked through a type of social influence algorithm.
BizSugar really stands out if you are searching for business articles because you can actually share and vote for the best business tips, trends, news, and strategies on the Web.
Free, easy, and no sign up required.
Alltop is literally all the top headlines from popular topics around the web.
The ultra-clean styling of Alltop lets you find the information you are looking for quickly.
Simply fill in the search field with your keyword, and up pops the top articles on the Web.
As with Topsy and BizSugar, Alltop is a free site that doesn’t require a sign-up.
Google Alerts
When you think about it, who would have better access to content than Google?
Google Alerts is another great way to monitor the web for fresh, current content.
What sets the Alerts apart from the others is that the results can be sent to your email account to be read later.
The layout is extremely simple with only five fields to fill out.
The real strength of this content curation program is that you can have dozens and dozens of keywords searched, ranked for importance, and sent to your email address automatically.
Bonus: Want to monitor what is said about your jewelry store on the Web? Make your jewelry store name one of the alerts and find out every time someone mentions you on the Web.
Four Grainer
Of course, we create mobile-optimized content for jewelers on a routine basis, but what you may not know is that we freely give away great content daily.
We use the same websites in this article, plus a few more advanced search engine tools, to curate content that we post on our Twitter and Google+ pages every day for the jewelry trade.
We post the content freely because we know how busy you are trying to grow your jewelry business.
The last thing you need to worry about is where to find content that you can re-post.
Of course, we can create, post, send out an e-newsletter, and much more for you through our “Jewelers Pen” Division.
There is a multitude of content aggregators that you can use on the market today.
Besides these secret gems, obviously you can use Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube to find the latest articles quickly.
The important part is that you have a handful that is easy enough, yet powerful enough to pull in top articles.
The next time you are frantically searching the Web remember these five secret places that jewelers can find great content.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.