Real success in digital media marketing requires a well-developed strategy, daily commitment, and an “all in” mentality.
In short, if jewelers want to take over the online digital media marketing island they need to burn their boats.
I am sure more than one jeweler just read that last sentence, tilted their head slightly, and said, “What is he talking about?”
First, let me explain the quote.
It is from a thought-provoking Tony Robbins tweet which said
“If you want to take the island,
then burn your boats.
With absolute commitment come the
insights that create real victory.”
Quote from Tony Robbins
The notion of absolute commitment is not a new one.
The world’s greatest empire builder, Alexander the Great burned his boats upon arrival on the shores of Persia.
By burning his boats, Alexander committed his men to a path of victory over the Persians who vastly outnumbered them in troops.
Considering what Alexander was facing, the decision to destroy the Greeks’ only hope of retreat was an extraordinary one.
In the end, Alexander and the Greek army were victorious because they had to be or they would die.
In Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, it brings to light the logic behind the decisions of history’s greatest conquerors to burn their boats at the risk of being killed in enemy hands.
It was simply to eradicate any notion of retreat from the minds of their troops and commit themselves 100% to the cause of victory.
Defeat wasn’t an option at all, nor should it ever be.
For a jeweler to be successful
in digital media marketing
today you have to have a
“Burn the Boats” mentality.
Time and again we see jewelers who started out strong on digital media marketing only to slowly retreat back to advertising predominantly in magazines and newspapers.
They post a couple of articles on their website but usually stop after four or five.
Their website which held so much promise as the hub of their online marketing is left to quickly become obsolete.
Growing their client base through digital direct marketing (top of mind email marketing) is abandoned for a couple of posts on Facebook.
Eventually, the jeweler retreats to the safety of the boats and sets sail back to traditional print media.
The brave New World of digital media marketing abandoned for the familiar comforts of yesterday’s newspaper ads and Yellow Page listings.
The potential success and prosperity of building their own audience all too quickly become a distant memory.
A sad story actually, because in many ways it was that same “Burn the Boats” mentality that started most jewelry businesses in the first place.
Almost every jeweler who is successful today has had to commit his personal wealth, reputation, and his team to a path of victory or go-out-of-business.
So what happened to that “Die Hard” mentality when it comes to building a strong client following through online digital media marketing?
Nobody clearly showed you
the path to victory.
Everyone was quick to flaunt the potential prize, showed you how to build the boats (Website, Facebook page, Twitter, etc) and get across that initial bit of water, but after that they left you on the sandy beach to figure out how to be successful on your own.
Maybe a few parting words of wisdom as they rowed their boats away, maybe not.
Growing and developing an online relationship with your client takes time, yet many jewelers give up within a few months.
As in Alexander the Great’s time, there are no halfway measures in online digital media that will bring you victory.
Success is there for the taking for those who rise up every day with a clear strategy for victory and a willingness to get it done.
Commit your jewelry store to digital media marketing through a desire to engage in conversations, and build relationships with your clients online.
Provide fresh, compelling content posted to your website and social media platforms every day that keeps your clients coming back for more.
Be focused on building a long term relationship.
The prize that you seek is truly right in front of you.
Just remember that for jewelers to take the digital media marketing island that they need to burn their boats.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.