Daily blogging is one of the most valuable tools that jewelry stores have to engage with their clients and reach potential new customers.
If you are running a jewelry website without a blog you are:
– Missing out on opportunities to engage your clients
– Are limiting your ability to attract new prospects
– Lowering overall the potential traffic to your website
A static website that doesn’t
change or feature new
content is essentially
an online brochure.
In today’s social media-driven world where engagement with your customers is expected online, blogs are vital to marketing your jewelry business.
Blogging has quickly turned out to be one of the most valuable, cost-effective tools that jewelry stores have to interact with their clients and attract new customers.
Gone are the days
when a simple business
website is enough.
Benefits To A Jewelry Business Blog.
- Shows your store as being the local jewelry expert,
- Enhances your brand image in the community,
- Pushes your website higher in search engine results,
- Enables you to tell the story of your business,
- Builds valuable connections with current and potential customers.
A Daily Blog Drives Traffic To Your Website.
A study from Hub Spot, titled “The 2012 State of Inbound Marketing,” recently posted the following results on the importance of blogging.
- 56 percent of businesses that blogged at least monthly acquired customers through their blogs.
- Blogging three times a week increased the percentage to 70 percent,
- Daily blogging increased it to 78 percent
A Blog Increases Conversion
Blogs help increase new sales while decreasing marketing overhead costs.
Jewelers have found that conversion rates are higher with a blog than with many direct marketing strategies.
An active, engaging daily
jewelry blog should be
an essential part of your
inbound marketing strategies.
The top jewelers have already realized this and that is why they are increasing their marketing efforts this year in this area.
They realize that today’s younger clients are getting their information from the Internet and not from traditional media outlets.
If you are trying to acquire younger clients than you have to have your message on the platform that they frequent.
If you think that no one is reading blogs then consider this fact:
Over 359 million people view more than
10.7 billion pages each month.
Statistics from WordPress.com – 2013
Social media sites have become vital ways to show potential customers what your company is about.
An active, engaging business blog can now be your next step in creating a strong relationship with your target market.
There are many stages in a sales funnel, and there are different inbound marketing strategies that help with each phase of this process.
Hub Spot recently reported that 62% of marketers will focus on blog writing in 2013.
Why? Because it gets results.
These facts are becoming crystal clear for those who are serious about growing their jewelry business.
In today’s social media-driven business world, if you want an easy, cost-effective method to engage your clients then blog daily.
There is little doubt that daily blogging is a valuable tool for jewelers.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.