In today’s fast-paced, 24/7 online world, jewelers can drive sales into their stores with an effective email campaign.
Statistics show that email is used by nearly everyone today.
Whether business-related or keeping updated with friends and family,
an email has certainly become mainstream in the past few years.
In fact,
It is hard to find
someone that doesn’t
have an email address.
It is for that reason that an effective marketing campaign centered around email has become one of the largest and most effective strategies for jewelry stores seeking to grow their online presence.
Compared to social media and content marketing, email is a mature channel for engaging online consumers. Its longevity is a testament to its ability to convert leads into buyers and buyers into repeat customers.
In fact, according to a Forrester report put out on September 24, 2012,
Email continues to be the
top factor in influencing
repeat purchases
To demonstrate the power and influence of email, consider the latest statistics.
- People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than people that do not receive email offers
- 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email.
- 7 in 10 people say they had made use of a coupon or discount they had learned about through a marketing email in the prior week.
- 27% of consumers are more likely to say their favorite companies should invest in more email.
- Source: ExactTarget
- 56% of businesses say they plan to increase their use of email marketing in 2013.
Need more convincing?
We have listed five reasons why your jewelry store absolutely needs an email marketing campaign.
1. Your Return on Investment.
The ROI for email
marketing in 2012
was 4,300%.
- For every dollar spent on an email marketing campaign, businesses make $43.
- How does direct mail and print mediums stack up? The return on investment for direct mail and print is between 1% to 3 %.
- Source: Direct Marketing Association
- Direct Marketing Association reported that email marketing produced $67.8 billion in sales in 2012 and will produce $82.2 billion in 2016.
- In contrast, social media has an average conversion of less than 2%.
2. Expense
- On average email costs about $0.01 to send to a single recipient.
- Direct mail typically costs about 100 times more than email.
3. Reach & Visibility
An email has the ability
to reach 100% of its
target audience.
- Email is the only marketing channel that has the ability to reach 100% of its target audience because you’re sending marketing directly to an individual’s email box.
- TV commercials average 30 seconds of visibility and are often ignored or are fast-forwarded through by DVR technology.
- The print medium has a very limited shelf life and is often ignored and overlooked by simply flipping the page.
- Radio advertisements are time-sensitive, station critical, and at the mercy of someone switching channels.
- Only 10-15% of audiences using Facebook EdgeRank Algorithm are exposed to paid ads.
4. Targeted & Specific
- With an advanced email campaign, you can target specific segments of your client base.
- Want to develop a campaign for clients that purchased Tanzanite jewelry? No problem.
- TV, radio, and print mediums simply cannot provide a focused message to a specific client segment.
5. Real-Time Metrics and Autoresponders
- Email campaigns allow you to see real-time performance of your campaign from the moment you click “Send”. Actual opens, clicks, and visits.
- Actual measurable data that you can use to tailor your ongoing campaigns for greater effectiveness.
- Autoresponders automatically send an email after a visitor converts on a landing page.
- Autoresponders can significantly increase your business’s visibility, as new prospects are being exposed via organic search, paid search, or simply direct from word of mouth.
So why do so few jewelers develop and implement an email campaign strategy?
While many jewelers are interested in email marketing, most assume that running a campaign can be too technical, expensive, or have concerns about SPAM abuse.
This is where Jeweler’s Pen steps into the picture.
The truth is, an effective campaign is quite the opposite.
It’s simple, affordable, and obviously very effective.
Jeweler’s Pen can handle
your email campaign so
you are free to make
sales & run your business.
There are several important tools in the marketing arsenal for jewelers.
A professional email campaign is a perfect companion to your overall marketing strategy.
While email is not the latest, greatest shiny tool; however, when used properly, jewelers can clearly drive sales into their stores with an effective email campaign.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.