There are five winning Facebook strategies that jewelers can use today to significantly grow their influence on this social media platform.
It is a fact that Facebook is growing by thousands of users every day and by now.
We should all be able to agree that having a Facebook Brand Page is a worthwhile investment .
It is easy for a jewelry store to create a Facebook page, publish their profile and products; however, setting up a brand page that receives many “Likes” and has a huge fan base is never an easy task.
Facebook takes time,
patience, and a well
thought out strategy
Facebook success rarely happens overnight for jewelry businesses and unless you are a huge brand like Amazon or Apple, patience, persistence, and hustle are all required to create an engaging brand page.
The most successful jewelry companies on this social media platform are those that step out from behind their logo and let the people behind the brand represent their Facebook page.
The goal is to communicate with your fans as though you were talking to your friends, and let your personality come through in each post.
There is a difference
between talking at
your clients and
engaging with them
I often use the analogy of a Broadway show versus an improv show. TV advertising / radio / magazine print / direct mail is like a Broadway show — a one-way communication in which a huge production and great creative can make a strong impact.
Social media marketing is more like improv comedy — a back-and-forth between performers and audience, different every time yet totally effective at a fraction of the cost, when done right.
With That In Mind, Here are Five Winning Facebook Strategies.
- Create fresh content. Time and again we see jewelers posting and reposting the same content.
- It is nearly impossible to keep your clients engaged on your brand page if you routinely post the same material. Why should they come back?
- This is also not about replicating what is on your website, or putting out the same old messages that you have already promoted via email and Twitter.
- Give them a reason to “Like” you. Give your fans something extra, something special just for them.
- Whether it be a special fans-only coupon or a special deal on a jewelry service.
- You will get more fans and those fans will have a legitimate reason to tell their friends about your store.
- Post on a routine basis. Often jewelers jump into Facebook with a passion, only to run out of steam all too quickly.
- Facebook is littered with jewelry business pages that started out strong only to find them dead in the water six months later.
- Honestly, we believe that it is better to have never started a brand page than to have started one and stop after a few months.
- It is embarrassing to read clients questions and concerns about a jewelry store go unanswered on a jeweler’s brand page because the store has given up on social media.
- A picture is worth a 1,000 words. One engaging high definition photograph will generate more discussion than several long posts.
- Time is a valuable commodity for your fans. Give them something mentally engaging, relevant, and quick.
- Few will take the time to read long posts because there is simply too much available at the next click of the mouse.
- Ask questions. Want to get people talking about your brand page?
- Simply elicit interaction with the people who “Like” your page.
- Periodically post a question and request their input or ask for ideas on a particular topic.
- It helps to build relationships with your fans, in addition to discovering and meeting their needs.
Social media is unique as a business tool, in that your only investment is your time, creativity, and desire to engage your fans.
Most importantly, an engaging Facebook brand page moves your jewelry business from the old world environment of the cold, stodgy, untouchable business, to a new world of positive, friendly interaction where both you and your client can continuously interact and learn from each other.
To do it right you have to have patience, time, and these five winning Facebook strategies.
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The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.