There are four Facebook pitfalls independent jewelers should avoid if they want to get the most from their Facebook business page.
In many cases the changes are just oversites, sometimes they are flaws in the basic strategy, but either way, they impact how your jewelry store is perceived on Facebook.
Granted just having a business page on this social media platform is a step in the right direction and certainly puts you ahead of most of your competition, but we want you to receive the greatest reward from your investment.
Limit Your Setbacks. Avoid These Four Common Facebook Pitfalls:
– Fuzzy photography / Poor logo quality.
Surprising how many independent jewelers have fuzzy, out of focus photography on their site.
Remember that for some potential clients this is their first exposure to your business and their initial response to the photography and your logo does make a lasting impression.
Take the time to make it a strong first impression.
If you have been using a logo that your brother’s daughter designed for you perhaps it is time to get a professional to update your look as you prepare to take your message to the world.
– Fear of comments.
Social Media by its very name and nature is social.
This isn’t the venue to have that sanitized, perfectly scripted message.
You want and need interaction from your clients both in glowing accolades and constructive criticism.
When it comes to negative feedback, it is natural to want to delete these types of posts.
Instead, respond in a way that shows you respect their opinion and appreciate the feedback.
In your settings, be sure to enable “comments” so your fans can post to your wall and tag your jewelry store in their posts too.
– Desperately seeking “Likes” and Fans.
Acquiring fans for the sake of acquiring fans is a waste of time.
Just because you have 2,000 “Likes” does not mean that you have 2,000 clients that are interested in making future purchases from your store.
Don’t fall into the numbers trap as so many jewelers do and start begging for “Likes” or run silly contests with flashy prizes in order to attempt to generate a higher “Likes” number.
Instead, focus on creating an interactive Facebook presence that includes valuable content and meaningful conversation.
If you do so, then the clients that you actually care about attracting will come naturally.
– Robo posts, Same posts over and over, Too promotional.
Quality content is king online.
That is what your clients are expecting from you.
Far too many are using their
business page as solely some
sort of advertising vehicle.
They set up robotic posts every four hours to spew out the same promotional advertisement over and over again.
If your clients wanted more advertising they would pick up a magazine or visit your website.
They come to Facebook to interact with you, not to hear over and over again how amazing your products and services are through your advertisements.
A good rule of thumb is just a few, high-quality posts a day.
With that being said, feel free to comment and react to your fan’s posts on your wall whenever there is an opportunity.
Facebook is rapidly approaching one billion users.
To put that into perspective, it means one-seventh of humanity will soon be within this social media’s grasp.
Roughly 49% of the United States
the population has an account.
The potential client base for your independent jewelry store is staggering to say the least.
The rewards are out there if you take the time to do it right.
You have to have a workable game plan moving forward and avoid the pitfalls along the way, especially the four Facebook pitfalls every jeweler should avoid.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.