Setting up a social media campaign for a jeweler in today’s world can seem like a daunting task.
Where do you start?
What is the first step in developing a comprehensive social media campaign?
There seems to be no end to the platforms available, so much so, that many independent jewelers, unfortunately, are just sitting on the side line waiting/hoping for this “marketing fad” to pass.
If you are one of the reluctant onlookers then perhaps you should consider this next sentence:
“78% of marketers saw increased
traffic with just six hours
a week invested in social media.”
Social Marketing Industry Report from 2011
Social media has definitely gone mainstream as a legitimate marketing vehicle in a short period of time and is here to stay.
The time to get on board is now.
For independent jewelers, it represents an unprecedented advertising opportunity that cuts out traditional advertising middlemen and connects your jewelry business directly with your clients and perhaps even more importantly, your potential future clients.
The first step to developing a social media campaign is to evaluate which platform(s) to use, determine ultimately how you want your clients to respond, and to have metrics in place to measure success.
1st Step in a Social Media Campaign:
Evaluate. Take the time to evaluate what your overarching theme is going to be for implementing social media.
Here is where you lay the foundation by asking three key questions such as;
1). Which social media platforms are our clients using now?
The big three in terms of traffic and usage are Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Are you familiar with the platforms?
Can you create content that is tailored to your client on that platform?
Can you convey your position in a way that your clients can relate to, responds to specific needs they have, and allows you to be seen as an expert in this area?
Who is going to write the articles, posts, and tweets?
What time of the day are they going to post, or tweet?
How much time are you going to give them to get all of it done properly outside of their normal store responsibilities?
2). What is our “end game” result for the client?
What do you want the client to ultimately do or feel?
You might be tempted to quickly say, “To purchase jewelry!”, which is true but social media can do that and so much more.
One of the greatest attributes of social media is that it can lead your clients to purchase from you but it can also provide awareness of your goods and services, and increase your brand loyalty.
The end result that you choose here affects your overall strategy.
Keep in mind that focusing on loyalty or brand awareness can lead to more jewelry purchases over a longer period of time.
3). Measurement of success.
The old management proverb of “What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get done”, certainly applies here.
Along that same theme is the need to put everything down on paper so that there are fewer questions at the end of the day about who is doing what task, what the goals are, and how we are measuring success.
Awareness. If your strategy is to increase awareness of your brand then you will want to measure success through “likes”, subscribers, “followers”. and “repin”.
Loyalty. For those who chose increased loyalty as their goal, you would look at how your clients are engaging your social media. Are they actively involved? What is their sentiment like with your various posts and offerings? Are there any signs of your influence growing such as re-posts of your articles or local media picking up your RSS feeds.
Sales. If you went with sales growth as your end game then, social e-commerce sales would be a leading indicator, as would, the conversion rate on the various web site landing pages, and click through rates.
Independent jewelers have never had a tool at their disposal that is as direct, and as powerful as social media.
Granted there is a learning curve involved, but the long term results are more impactful to your overall jewelry business than you can imagine.
In the very near future the division in the retail jewelry trade between the “have’s” and the “have not’s” will come down to how you embrace social media today.
The facts are in, the decision is clear.
The only question left is what will be your first step in a social media campaign for your jewelry store?
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.