With the explosion of Pinterest on the social media stage, it is no wonder that we are getting asked more and more for Pinterest marketing basics for jewelers.
This is quickly shaping up to be the one social media outlet that every independent jeweler should be on.
Recent studies clearly highlight the demographic base that is tailor-made for jewelry marketing.
That is why it makes perfect sense for independent jewelers to leverage the marketing strategies for Pinterest for better visibility and to reach out to the masses with their message.
For the purposes of this article, we are going to assume that you have your account set up properly and are wondering what to do next.
Before you jump into pinning consider these marketing basics first.
Pinterest Marketing Basics
– All About the Images.
This platform is visual-based, so how do your photos look?
You really need to make sure you are providing the very best images to pin to your boards.
Remember these photos reflect your brand, products, and services to the world.
The better the image,
the more repins and
likes it will get.
Studies are showing that the better the image, the higher probability of someone clicking on it and hopefully being persuaded to purchase it.
The same guidelines with any traditional marketing campaign apply for Pinterest. Bright colors, catchy board titles, and interesting photographs capture the eye of your client.
As you consider the quality of your images, take a moment and ask yourself one simple question, “Would I send this image out in a magazine, or by direct mail?”
If the answer is no, then obviously you need to re-shoot the image.
Remember you only have one chance to make a good first impression.
– Remember this is a Social Network.
While the boards and pins should be about you and your products, they shouldn’t all be about you.
The more you go out and find other interesting content that relates to your jewelry store, the more you will find that people will connect, like, and repin you.
Obviously you would not set up boards showing your competitors brands, but you could have boards on “Historical Gems/Jewelry”, or the latest fashion trends that can be tied into your fashion jewelry selection, or which movie stars are wearing your store’s prestige watches.
This is a chance to humanize your business.
It is not a place to simply put up your latest marketing campaign, or give the impression that you are just another stodgy, corporate style jeweler.
You get more people to connect with your jewelry business by showing your store’s fun, personal side, not just your professional one.
– Is Pinterest integrated into your web site?.
Time and again we see jewelers spending time putting up beautiful image boards that drive clients to their web site only to find out that their site is not integrated for pinning.
How can your pinning clients spread the exciting news about your web site if you haven’t set it up for pinning?
Have the “Follow Us on
Pinterest” button placed
prominently on your site.
All of your site’s photographs, articles, and blog should be able to be pinned.
Chances are if you don’t make it easy for people to pin, they simply won’t.
Keep in mind that people are browsing this social media site to find interesting, different, and out of the ordinary things.
They want to be inspired, entertained, educated in a fun way, and all the while being soothed by idyllic beautiful photographs.
It is the one platform
where a picture is
truly worth a
thousand words.
Make sure your images are conveying the right message and emotion about your jewelry store.
Take your time, set it upright, and remember the marketing basics for jewelers on Pinterest for greater success!
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.