What the average independent jewelry store owner knows about Facebook users would probably require a 10x loupe to see.
That is understandable given the growing number of social media outlets there are today.
What sets Facebook apart though from all of the rest comes down to one simple number. 900,000,000.
That incredibly large number is the number of people who have signed up presently to use this site.
Chances are good that by the end of 2012 there will be over 1,000,000,000 people on the planet signed up and using this site.
Yes, that was 1 billion!
That is a number that independent jewelry store owners simply can no longer ignore.
For many of your jewelry
store’s clients, Facebook is
not simply on the world
wide web, it is in essence,
the web itself.
If you have a comprehensive strategy in place right now to grow your jewelry business through Facebook and other social media outlets then stand up and take a bow, because you are definitely at the top of your class.
We suspect you are in the top 5% of all jewelers nationwide.
Well done!
For everyone else, there is still time to get on-board and to start enjoying the increased sales that engaging with your clients online can provide.
Even the top 5% can benefit from deeper insight into who is using Facebook.
The Pew Research Center released a study on May 16th, 2012 which shed a whole new light on the users.
Let’s delve into “Who” is using Facebook by age demographic.
Age Breakdown for Facebook Users
– Millennials.
This age bracket of 18 to 34-year-olds represent the largest group at 318.5 million users.
Are you trying to grow your first-time bridal client base?
This group is getting much of its news, product information, and peer reviews from this online source.
How engaged are these users?
The study showed that 13% of them posted several times a day, with 21% posting three to five times a week.
– Gen X.
Those between 35 – 46 years of age came in second among users at 197.6 million.
Interested in the self purchasing woman?
She is online, and receptive to your diamond fashion selection and is certainly interested in your color fashion jewelry.
– Younger Boomers.
Those 47 – 56-year-olds were fairly close to Gen X’ers at 155.7 million.
Wondering how to reach the remount / second marriage segment?
Here they are and in significant numbers.
– Older Boomers.
The age category of 57 – 65 represents 85.1 million users on this social media site.
Perplexed about how to reach that big diamond client or that significant remount client?
More than just their personal sales potential, take a moment to consider how this age group influences the younger groups and their buying decisions.
How many of us have had first-time bridal clients buy a diamond bridal set from us because their parents recommend your jewelry store?
– G.I. Generation.
Those who are 75 or older. 42.0 million strong and probably a portion of them have been your clients for years.
As with the Older Boomers, this generation is important for influence and respect factor.
Their view of how you have run your jewelry business over the years matters to them and they are not the least bit bashful about voicing that opinion to everyone they know.
While not the buying segment they were in their younger days, they are influenced by your store’s community involvement.
Facebook affords independent jewelers unparalleled access to their clients.
The potential to target marketing by age demographic is a marketing consultant’s dream.
No longer do jewelers have to rely on a “spray and pray” advertising model that tries to be all things to all people.
With that being said, you still have to be in it, to win it.
You have to be on Facebook with a well-thought strategy to be effective.
Keep these demographic age breakdowns close at hand as you move forward online, because this is information every jewelry needs to know about Facebook users.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.