How can jewelers learn to be better decision-makers?
Obviously running a jewelry store requires that you make countless decisions every day, but are they the right ones?
Are you at ease making the tough call or do you waffle?
Are you perpetually stuck in neutral as you go back and forth between options, or do you grab the reins and plot your course with decisive moves?
Always remember,
Decisiveness is one
of the foundational
aspects of leadership
Some of us never seem comfortable with the process while others seem resigned to just go with the flow and let fate make the ultimate call.
Either way, the good news is that there are steps you can take to get better at the process.
Six Ways To Be A Better Decision Maker
– Rephrase the question.
When we mentally rephrase the question it opens our mind to different solutions.
Forcing yourself to think about the problem in different ways often reveals solutions you would have never considered.
This works surprisingly well in many situations whether you verbally rephrase or put pen to paper.
It just works.
– Give a little distance.
Distance gives perspective. Separate yourself from the emotion of the problem.
We often regret the snap decisions we make in the heat of the moment.
This is not a license to shelf an issue indefinitely but a given amount of time on emotionally charged issues brings clarity.
– List your options.
If you have several options floating around in your head simply take a moment to write them down.
The human brain is extremely powerful, but we are woefully lacking in the ability to honestly multi-task.
The human brain is a problem-solving device, not a true multitasking computer.
We can do a few things at once only because we can switch between tasks very quickly.
Get the options out of your head and onto paper where you can concentrate on each option separately.
– Just the facts.
Do your due diligence in researching the information on the issue.
Get off the emotional side of the equation and get to the solid facts.
Once you see the facts the right course of action often reveals itself.
Far too many of us get stuck on the continual emotional loop and never find a resolution to the problem.
– Go with your instincts.
Your instincts can often give you the correct course of action before your brain can rationally, logically figure it out.
There is a reason why you have been as successful as you have thus far in your career.
Experience, training, and past history benefit our instinctual decisions.
– Make the call.
There are no certainties in life.
Seldom is one decision the make or breaks one in your life.
Whichever choice you make there will be parts of it you like and parts you don’t.
Still, you have to make the call!
Your team looks to you as their leader to make difficult decisions.
Will it always be the right one? No.
Will it always be the most popular one?
No, seldom are the tough ones pleasing to everyone.
Nevertheless, it falls to us to analyze the situation before us and step up to the plate with a decision.
Once made, don’t regret it, don’t continue to rehash it over and over, just put it to rest and move on because there is another tough call waiting just ahead for you.
It can get easier though if you consider these steps in the process.
With a little practice, jewelers can learn to be better decision-makers.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.