Jewelry stores need traffic counters for a multitude of reasons.
Have you wondered how effective that last ad campaign was at driving traffic into your store?
Is your store’s sales growth based on more clients through the door or the fact that your sales team is closing more sales?
Gut level guesses and hunches are often notoriously inaccurate.
Traffic counters provide the missing link of scientific data that you need to make an informed decision in today’s highly competitive jewelry arena.
Consider these points.
Why Jewelry Stores Need Traffic Counters
– Conversion Ratio.
One of the most valuable pieces of information for a jewelry store is the conversion ratio.
Simply stated it is derived by dividing how many clients are coming through your door by the number of transactions.
Once you have this percentage you can take steps to provide focused training on closing techniques.
If the traffic counter only provided this bit of missing information it could be worth tens of thousands of dollars to your store’s bottom line every year.
I guarantee you that the closing percentage is lower than you guess.
It will be an eye-opening stat.
– Measures The Effectiveness Of Marketing And Advertising Campaigns.
You spend significant dollars every year on advertising.
Does it work?
Does it actually drive people into the store?
Without a traffic counter, you are left with only the sales volume accumulated during the ad run and a “feeling”.
Make your advertisement dollars work by actually knowing which ads are effective vs a “spray and pray” approach.
– Special Event Results.
Time and again we have special events without a credible way of gauging the effectiveness of our prep work.
Did your sales team make the calls they need to?
Was the advertisement right for the event?
Was the product knowledge training strong enough to close sales?
Great questions.
Without a means of knowing how many clients walked through the door, you are left with few answers.
Most of the time everyone is too busy to accurately put a number to the traffic through the door.
– Lunch Breaks And Vacations.
The more sophisticated traffic counters will register both the number of clients and the time of day they came through the door.
Lunches and breaks can be scheduled for better staffing levels.
Ever wonder which weeks are traditionally heavy traffic periods for your store?
Have the data at your fingertips to ensure your top sellers are on the floor during those peak times.
Make out schedules that are tailored to the historic traffic of your specific location.
Pedestrian traffic is a vital bit of data that most jewelers never consider.
For a very modest investment, a wealth of scientific data can be at your fingertips.
Given the benefits, it is obvious that your jewelry store needs a traffic counter.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.