There are tricks for getting out of a sales slump that you might not have considered.
I have seen many off the wall tricks jewelry sales associates have tried to get out of a selling slump.
Some of my favorites over the years include:
1). Blowing on their jewelry case keys several times before starting the day.
2). Putting their case keys in a sealed envelope every night.
3). Being the first to enter the door after the manager has turned off the alarm and so forth.
Superstitions abound but there are some tricks that actually do work that you might not have considered.
Tricks For Getting Out Of A Sales Slump
– Sell something small every day.
Those in a slump usually begin to panic and feel as though they have to hit a home run to get themselves going again.
This trick is just the opposite because it focuses on selling something, anything, to anyone.
I have seen top jewelry writers start their day with a couple of clients in the repair department.
Selling is about
mental confidence
While the dollar amount of the transaction is smaller, selling is selling.
It is the interaction and the process that is important.
The concept is to start out each day with a selling victory and build on it throughout the day.
Great for team morale as well!
– Mentor someone else who is struggling.
How can you mentor in selling when you are in a slump and why would you do it?
Here again, this flies in the face of water-cooler wisdom.
The concept is that as you observe a fellow sales associate selling you are able to see the non-verbal exchange between the client and associate.
It also allows you to concentrate on the flow of their selling process.
This is valuable feedback for your fellow associate but more importantly, it gets you thinking about those same mistakes in your own presentation.
I have seen many sales pros figure out their own slump problems by watching and mentoring others.
Classic win/win.
– Do charity work for the store.
Once again this goes against conventional wisdom.
Most would say that if you are in a slump you should stay in the store and try harder.
Trying harder
never, ever
Working smarter does and often a change of venue does wonders.
By doing charity work for the store you do several good things:
1). You are shown to be giving back to your store and to the community. It clears your mind while also giving you a sense of accomplishment.
2). Charity work introduces you to a whole host of new potential clients, as well as, allowing you to reconnect with current clients in a relaxed atmosphere.
3). A change in selling venue for you. Charity events can be a lucrative selling opportunity because there is no pressure to sell products.
What you are selling is yourself, your expertise, and the ability to meet their future jewelry needs which is a much easier sale.
Bottom Line
Selling slumps are real and can be difficult to break out of for even the most seasoned of jewelry sales professionals.
Many times what they try only raises their frustration higher because it doesn’t address the underlying problem.
After you have exhausted all of the traditional methods just remember there are still tricks for getting out of a sales slump.
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The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.