You are knee-deep in a sales slump, and it is beginning to seem like a mental death spiral.
Nothing you do seems to work.
Your boss is concerned with your performance, your fellow team members give you that look as if to say, “Sure glad it is you and not me.”
With each failed attempt your confidence level drops, you are frustrated and just feel like throwing your hands up in despair.
You are precisely where you need to be to start using these sales slump ending tactics.
Most people have to mentally hit bottom before they will honestly take a hard look at changing.
If you are there, here are some tips to get you back better than you were before.
Sales Slump Ending Tactics
– Stay away from “energy drainers”.
You know those people.
They hang out and tell you why everything in life is so bad.
Listen to them long enough and you will be swayed by their negative energy.
Why even try to sell?
The economy is in recession, the competition is selling for less, the guy down the street is advertising more, people aren’t buying like they use to, etc, etc.
A big component of selling is your energy level during the presentation.
No energy, probably no sale.
– Change your presentation.
We are creatures of habit.
Once something is deemed as working in our minds, we are quick to redo it over and over.
You are in a slump because your presentation that you are presently using doesn’t work.
You have to change it.
You know those little pet sayings you are so fond of using?
Change them, or drop them.
Seriously, you are the only one who finds them funny anymore.
There are times I can close my eyes and listen to a diamond presentation from a sales associate knowing where the pauses are going to be, and where the pet lines are going to be inserted.
The presentation is so canned, so stale, that there is no energy to it.
If there is no life to your presentation, then by all means bury it.
– Change your routine.
If you are used to coming to work at the last possible moment before you are scheduled, then come early, and read some new product information.
Break the rut inducing routine.
When was the last time you sat down and actually read sales training material?
When was the last time you boned up on diamond product information?
Come back from lunch a few minutes early to mentally go over your presentation.
Be “in the zone” when the next client comes through the door.
– De-clutter your life.
Is your personal so hectic that the job is your “downtime?”
Are you spending all of your free time on the sales floor thinking about problems in your personal life?
Making personal phone calls, checking your personal email constantly, and watching the clock for your next break or lunch is counterproductive.
Granted life can get crazy at times, and it is easy to say, “Leave your troubles at the door when you come to work”, but you have to find a way to do just that.
Honestly, this causes more than just a few sales slumps.
This was a tough-love article to read and to write, but it is going to take just that to get you back on your feet.
You have what it takes to end this mental death spiral, if you are honest with yourself, and use these sales slump ending tactics.
I know you can do it!
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.