Every day clients walk into your jewelry store and hear what they see.
In an age of high tech communication and sophisticated media distribution, our clients are bombarded with a skillful ad program to shape their impression of our team and our jewelry store.
Perhaps it is human nature, or more likely, the torrential flood of over-hyped information that causes people to trust more in what they see than what they hear.
They hear our well developed, expensive ad campaigns to sell both the visible and the invisible.
The visible aspect is easy.
It represents our selection of fine jewelry and timepieces.
The invisible accounts for our “great service”, “repairs done while you wait”, as well as, “friendly knowledgeable staff”, etc.
When clients come through your door, they ultimately want to know if what they hear about us is what they see when they visit.
Let’s look at some examples:
Clients Hear What They See
– “We have the friendliest staff, “.
This is an “invisible” that we advertise.
If the client walks through the door and doesn’t get a warm, friendly greeting, what message will the client believe?
The advertisement that they hear or the poor service which they see?
Easily the message which they see is the one they trust.
– “Our professional team is,”.
The client hears the “invisible” professional part, however; when they walk through the door the staff is casually dressed as if they just came back from the mall.
Imagine how much ground you have to make up in the client’s mind before they consider your staff to be “professional”.
They believe what they see.
– “The greatest bridal selection in, “.
They come in with this vision in their mind about being impressed with the bridal selection.
At this point, concerning the client’s expectations, anything less than a jaw-dropping selection is going to be met with disappointment.
They heard one thing, we deliver a small case with 30 bridal pieces.
Can you honestly imagine what is running through their minds when we pull out the bridal order book to show them the rest of our selection?
– “We carry XYZ brand, “.
With expectations of seeing the XYZ brand, they drive to our jewelry store.
They have read about the brand, seen images of the brand, and want to actually touch it.
Our sales professional takes them over to the very limited initial buy-in the assortment.
The owner either bought just enough to say he had the brand, or worse yet bought it, sold it, and never restocked it.
Either way, it is disappointing for the client.
Time and again, jewelry stores spend thousands of dollars to portray a well-crafted image to their clients.
The clients respond to the advertisements with a predetermined expectation that is shattered after one visit.
They hear our message, yet see something different.
Instinctively they trust what they see, not what they hear.
Match the two and your store will grow because clients really do want to see what they hear.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.