To understand how to overcome price objections, you first have to realize that you, as a trained jewelry sales professional, cannot overcome a client’s price objection.
Shock and awe has now griped you, I can feel it.
Please put your over priced, self-help selling book down, and slowly step away from the ledge.
Allow me to explain.
The truth is that price
objections are not
intended to be
overcome, they
are meant to
be resolved
Most clerks/used car salesmen believe it is all about price and following a predetermined selling checklist.
In essence, to persuade the client through the force of their memorized checklist and a measure of “Jedi mind control” to twist their arm.
Sales professionals understand that the client is in front of them for a reason, especially the male clients.
It is not about can they simply afford the jewelry, it is rather, can they resolve one of three issues.
Resolving Price Objections
– Usage Question.
How much use will they get from the piece of jewelry?
Is it an everyday piece or a “special night out” addition?
By focusing on the beauty of the item and its everyday wear-ability, you will make the piece more practical.
These soft closing phrases come to mind, “She can wear the earrings during the day, and those special nights out”. “She can wear this timepiece with blue jeans or an evening dress.”
The more often she can wear the jewelry item, the more practical it becomes, and the easier it can be to resolve the price tag.
Guys often ask themselves this simple question, “Is she going to wear it, or is it just going to sit in her jewelry box?”
– Cheap Imitation Question.
Did they see a similar style advertised somewhere else significantly less expensive?
Consumers are bombarded with advertisement after advertisement that shows a sparkling, flawless diamond piece of jewelry at an incredibly low price.
Drug stores to department stores advertise like that, even though the actual piece you see in the store is light weight and heavily included.
The client has that flawless, low price image in the back of their mind as they walk through your door.
At this stage, you must resolve the quality issue.
Know your merchandise, know how it will hold up, and never speak ill of the competition.
It only lowers your stature.
– Fine Jewelry vs “Other”.
Many times this question is not so much about overall cost as it is about two other questions.
1). This purchase vs another luxury purchase such as a vacation, new kitchen, new car.
2). This purchase vs what else “she” would rather spend the money on presently.
The resolution here is to point out the eternal nature of jewelry.
While vacation memories fade, jewelry will be something she will cherish for years to come.
Will she still have that car in twenty years?
Will she consider that car a family heirloom to be cherished and passed down?
Clients have legitimate price objections that need to be resolved.
Always remember there is a real reason they are standing in front of you.
You must listen intently to what they are saying.
They need a sales professional that can help them resolve the buying issues, not someone with their own agenda who is following a pre-determined checklist.
Be the sales professional who can help them resolve their price objections and you will be the one they come back to time and again.
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Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.