Do we give “lip service” to the importance of recruiting the right talent for our team?
Oh, we know the catch phrases by heart.
Many times we repeat them at meetings with our store managers, regional meetings, and the last 10 minutes before we break for lunch, during high level corporate meetings.
We have said them so often it would be seen as blatant heresy to dispute them.
See if you have heard these classics before?
“People are our greatest asset.”
“Acquiring the best talent is our top priority”
“The only sustainable competitive advantage of any company is the recruitment and retention of great people”.
My personal favorite is from Michael Dell,
“The ability to find and hire the right people can make or break your business. It is as plain as that. No matter where you are in the life cycle of your business, bringing in great talent should always be a top priority”. Quote by Michael Dell – Dell Computers
Obviously we believe the sentiment behind the phrases to be self-evident.
The question then becomes, “Why doesn’t our real life commitment of time and energy match our sentiment?”
I did a survey once of twelve experienced store managers in my Region.
Two questions were posed; “What are the two ways you find new associates?”, and “How much time per week do you spend recruiting?”.
The answers were both honest and troubling.
Importance of Recruiting – How Do We Find New Jewelry Sales Associates?
“What Are The Two Ways You Find New Jewelry Sales Associates?”
Number one answer was that when there was an opening, they went to their list of recent applicants, interviewed them, and hired the best one.
Number two answer was equally chilling.
If they didn’t like anyone who had applied recently they hired someone that a person on the staff knew.
“How Much Time Per Week Do You Spend Recruiting?”
The answer given here was obvious given the response from the first question.
They said it varied from zero to 15 minutes a week recruiting.
Sadly in most jewelry stores across the country, we spend more time cleaning the bathroom each month than we do in actively searching for great talent.
Over The Years It Has Not Changed.
Whether in boardrooms looking for C.E.O.s or looking to fill a regional manager’s position, store manager, sales, etc, it has not changed.
We continually give lip service to the catchy phrases we all know, and embrace so fervently.
Independent jewelers fair the same, if not worse.
So Many Times It Has Come Down To Two Options.
The first is someone that we know, the other is through a professional recruitment firm.
We, as an industry, must do a better job at attracting the best and brightest to our trade.
The Internet has become the great equalizer.
The continued existence of many of our independents demands that we address this issue.
We need to make recruiting important now.
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.