Why is it that the sales professionals on your floor can talk to each other for hours on end, but if you ask them to call their clients, they immediately have nothing to say?
The phenomenon is what I call “situational confidence”.
In other words, they are confident in front of the client, but once the situation changes, they lose that confidence, they get timid.
Here is a good Zig Ziglar quote for you to file away on the sticky side of your brain:
“Timid salesmen have skinny kids”
-Quote from Zig Ziglar
We spend hours teaching selling skills to our new sales members.
We role-play closing techniques, yet we don’t spend time teaching our team the basics of using the telephone for sales calls.
Here are the basics to keep in mind.
Basics Of Telephone Selling
– Develop Rapport Quickly.
Studies have shown you have only 3 to 5 seconds to develop a great rapport over the phone.
The reason is that 55% of communication is done through body language which they cannot see on the telephone.
You are left with the words, which account for 7%, and your voice qualities which account for 38% of total communication.
Your opening two or three sentences have to grab their attention.
– Have Energy.
Energy is contagious.
If you sincerely have it for your product then it will flow to your client.
Don’t make a sales call when you are low on energy because while the message may be right, the enthusiasm behind it will be off.
Be upbeat and positive about why you are making the call.
They have to hear it in your voice.
– Always Use Their First Name.
There are two schools of thought on this one, but take this into consideration.
We as jewelry sales professionals are in the relationship business.
If you are not close enough in your professional relationship with your client to use their first name on a follow-up call, perhaps you need to spend more time on the relationship-building portion of your sales presentation when they are in the store with you.
Studies have shown that your favorite word in the world is your name.
Use their name at least twice.
– Be Brief.
Free time is in short supply for our clients.
Make sure you have a quick, basic outline written down before you call.
Have the bullet points laid out on paper.
If they want to carry on a long conversation that is great but makes sure you cover your bullet points.
It is embarrassing to have to call back to say, “Oh, I forgot to mention . . . “
– Listen, Listen, Listen.
Most associates making sales calls today are so focused on getting through their script that they don’t realize that the client has tuned them out already.
A sales call is a conversation, not a monologue.
By asking a trial closing question, you give the client a chance to talk.
Remember we only learn by listening, we learn nothing by talking.
The difference between a good sales professional and a great one is often the small differences.
Effectively using the telephone as a sales tool can be just the advantage you need to be great!
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.