Recently I have been getting several requests for “can’t miss” closing techniques.
My answer is always the same, “Before you fine-tune your closing techniques, there are trial closing statements you should be asking now!”
Granted, you have to ask for the sale in some form or another but often overlooked in the discussion of closing techniques, is the significance of trial closing statements.
There are three important advantages of a trial close:
Trial Closing Statements You Should Be Asking Now!
– Client Friendly.
They are not viewed by the client as being pushy.
Often the trial close is interpreted as a simple inquiry by the sales professional to ensure understanding of the material that has been presented already.
– Opportunity To Clarify.
Remember that 30% of what you say is not interpreted as you meant it.
A trial close affords you the opportunity to go back and clarify any questions the client has before you ask them to make a decision.
You will be amazed at what the client has not understood, or totally missed.
Seriously, trust me on this one.
– Can Be Used Several Times.
I have heard effective large diamond presentations where every fourth sentence from the sales professional was a trial closing statement.
When you go for a closing technique you are asking for the sale.
It involves pressure and decision making on the part of the client.
Trial closes only asks for a shared understanding of the material presented.
Some Of My Favorite Trial Closing Statements:
– “Have I clarified all of the questions that you had about diamonds?” This gives you a chance to answer their questions and become the expert. It gives you a chance to correct bad information.
– “Do you have any questions so far?” I especially like to use this trial close after presenting material on the Four C’s. A perfect opportunity to clarify. A good general anytime questions.
– “Does this seem like the kind of engagement ring you had in mind?” The question speaks to the shared vision between you, and them.
– “What aspect of this diamond ring do you like the best so far?” This trial close gives you material to focus on during the closing technique.
– “What questions did you have coming in today, that I have not answered?” Usually one of my final trial closing statements because it can lead straight into the close.
The bottom line is that simply asking questions, followed by actually listening to the response, is still one of the most important traits of a successful sales professional.
Trial closing statements are a natural way to get your client involved, give you a moment to regroup your thoughts and point out where your presentation was lacking.
Effectively adding trail closing techniques to your selling strategy will certainly increase your closing percentages.
As you are giving your next jewelry presentation remember, there are trial closing statements you should be asking now!
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.