You can tell the minute a jewelry sales professional picks up the telephone.
You can tell if they are having a good day or a bad day. Their tone and the energy behind the telephone greeting says it all.
In sales, a mentally perceived bad day typically leads to lackluster sales.
The positive energy behind the counter sells.
Attitude combined with confidence makes the difference many times between success or the start of their next sales slump.
Many sales pros blame their attitude on the day. Often they say, “I am having a bad day”.
What they are really saying is that they have let other people get to their attitude or they have let other circumstances get to them mentally.
That is not only unjustifiable, it is a sign of mental weakness.
If you tell yourself you are having a bad day, I promise you it will happen, and if you tell yourself you are having a great day, then chances are . . . you will.
Attitude determines your level of success in business and life.
“Attitude determines altitude”
Do you want to change your attitude? Develop a YES! attitude. There is a subtle difference between a “positive” attitude and a “YES” attitude.
Both are great, but a “YES” is a bit more powerful because it assumes that everything will start with a “Yes”, even when it might not.
A “YES” attitude is more declarative. It tells people in a word that their expectations will be met, and somehow your answer to whatever they want or need will be in a positive format.
Everyone wants to hear “yes”, and if you think of yourself as a “yes” person, not only will you be in a positive frame of mind, but you will also have positive expectations.
I can feel the hesitation in your eyes as you read that paragraph. “It can’t be that easy, it can’t be that simple”. Well . . . honestly, it is just that easy.
Try it risk-free for 24 hours.
Give it a legitimate test both at work and at home.
If you are not convinced, please return it for a full refund, and pick up your, “It’s a bad day” view at the return counter as you start your next prolonged, self-induced sales slump.
Top Performers On Any Jewelry Sales Team Have Two Common Traits.
First Trait.
They believe that they can sell anyone, anything, at any time.
Second Trait.
They enter each sales opportunity with a positive mental attitude.
Sales pros wear their emotions on their sleeves and across their face. If they are having “a great day!”, then their faces literally beam with a wide smile and a positive body posture.
If not, then that is easily read as well by everyone around them.
Still Skeptical?
Watch a sales pro who has had a sale, then sells the next client that they encounter.
By the time that they meet the third client in a row they believe, no actually, they are convinced in their heart they are going to close them.
Perception often becomes reality.
Remember that attitude is everything on the sales floor!
Our “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show Episodes

The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.