Study after study demonstrates the importance of recognizing the accomplishments of those in your jewelry store.
The question is posed, “Ok, how do we do that?”
In a recent study of more than 1,500 employees in numerous work settings by Dr. Gerald H. Graham, professor of management at Wichita State University.
The study found that the most powerful motivator was personalized, instant recognition from their managers. In the report by Dr. Graham, “simply asking for employee involvement is motivational in itself.”
The study concluded that that the employee’s direct supervisor often overlooked forms of recognition that cost very little or in some cases, no cost at all.
Some other manager initiated recognition could include:
- Mentioning the associate and their achievement during the morning meeting before the store opens.
- Having the store owner call them into their office to praise them or a quick call on the phone.
- You can create a “Wall of Fame” to post their picture and a short write up.
- Providing gift certificates for free movie tickets, car washes, dinner.
- Magazine subscriptions, gift cards for manicures, pedicures, massages.
Those are solid ideas to recognize accomplishments in your jewelry store, but what if you wanted to think outside of the box?
Well . . . how about . . .
Ways To Recognize Accomplishments
A great way to recognize employees is to send them a personalized card to their home address on their birthday, then send them a card on their employment anniversary date.
By getting these cards at home, they get the surprise of something special in the mail.
They also get a chance to share the moment with their spouse and children.
Use social media to include a recommendation on the employee’s Linked-In page, a post on their Facebook wall, a Tweet, a clever video on YouTube, etc.
Not only will you be recognizing the employee in a special way, your jewelry store will gain some great exposure too.
Nothing embarrassing, keep it professional and heartfelt.
Another simple, easy option is to send a personalized, handwritten note to the associate’s spouse or addressed to their children.
The note outlines the positive impact they had on the business.
A note sent to acknowledge their wedding anniversary is also a positive touch.
Remember notes get saved – and remembered.
When structuring employee recognition, keep in mind that one size does not fit all.
What highly motivates one, does nothing for the next.
To make it effective and memorable, you have to really know the members of your team.
A simple mention in front of their peers with cheers and applause for one may be perfect, for another, a quiet dinner means so much more.
It is not about how much it costs, it is all about the timing, the impact; as well as, how to make it memorable.
There are almost limitless ways to recognize the accomplishments of those on your team.
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The host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade” Radio Show – Jewelry Business Strategist – President of Four Grainer LLC. Author of the business books “A Reason To Chant,” and “A Reason to Chant – Jewelry Trade Edition.” Rod lives in Atlanta with his wife and two almost-human cats.